Saturday, December 30, 2006

First dispatch of 2006-2007 mexico


“Wish you were here” is the usual greeting from someone on vacation. But we are not on vacation, we have just moved to our winter residence. But we would indeed be pleased to have you visit, but not all at once!

This is just the first in what we hope will be several dispatches from our condo in Bucerias. In this issue we will give some basic information about our locale – some of you will be more familiar with this information, bear with us as we orient the new members of our distribution list.

Bucerias is on the Pacific coast of Mexico just north of Puerto Vallara. One could say that Bucerais is a suburb or exurb of PV. We are as about as far from downtown PV as Dublin is from downtown Columbus.

Although at one time Bucerias was the town of divers, the meaning of the name, now it is essentially a tourist place. But tourists of a special sort. The first type of tourist is the snowbird who comes down for the winter season to escape the gloom and cold of the north. A lot of such folks are from Canada. And there are quite a few that enjoy the area so much that they have taken up permanent residence and vacation is in reverse: from here to elsewhere. The second group of tourists consists of Mexicans who want to vacation by the sea during holidays and other breaks. Many Mexicans from Guadalajara and other big cities own a house here.

Here is an excellent site that tells much about our town:

If you scroll down you can read a nice summary about Bucerias and even see a satellite picture from Google Earth.

Click on the picture at the top of the page to see a nice panorama of Bucerias. When you do that you will see ‘overview’ listed. If you click there you will find several more minivistas. And the slide show is also worth viewing. We will be sending some of our own pictures in upcoming e-letters.

Explore as many of the categories listed on the left to discover as much about Bucerias as you like.


We enjoy sharing our activities and pictures with you. We have no problem if you would like to share our dispatches with others, and should they wish to be put on our distribution list, just forward an email address. Of course if you are not interested in our stories, just let us know and we can remove your address from our distribution.

Some of you have indicated that because of your connection you are unable to easily download graphics or pictures. We will continue to send you both the complete version of our dispatches and a text-only version. Perhaps you will be able to get a speedy broadband connection sometime.

We hope some of you will receive birthday greetings we have sent from here. Some of them could be a bit late. And if the card is dated ‘2006’, that is because Mr. T was confused.

Talk to you again soon. Feel free to email with comments or questions.

..dan and rebecca