Well we are entering the blogosphere or whatever the current name for that part of the Internet. Our occasional electronic epistles will not only be sent to you via email but will also be posted on a blog at: http://casa-de-terrible.blogspot.com/ Thanks to Master N prompting us and for creating this place and posting our most recent efforts.
You may have heard about blogs with reference to the political arena. In that venue blogging appears to be some hybrid of punditry, editorial commentary, muckraking, and investigative reporting with ongoing active audience participation. Blogs seem to spring up virtually instantly after any event, appearance, or pronouncement by elected officials, their staffs, retinues, minions, and other assorted hangeroners. The instaneousness and ongoing banter seems to be the salient points of these blogs.
But another aspect of blogging relates to a different style of obtaining information: pulling vs pushing. In the traditional style of TV and radio, information is pushed to the consumer. That is, the media presents what information when, where and how it wants. The consumer needs to be at a particular place, at a particular time, with a particular device in order to obtain the information. Print media is slightly different, but it has a short shelf life for current events. The first change came with the advent of the tape recorder, but probably not too many people taped radio shows, especially news, for later consumption. A much bigger change came with the videotape recorder. Some of you probably have boxes of tapes of movies and favorite TV shows. (I hope you are not stuck with Beta tapes.) And whereas we may recorded some nature shows or PBS-type special, it is unlikely that you have any news programs unless you recorded the Watergate hearings or an outerspace event. But how many of those tapes have you reviewed lately?
The Internet has created a different dynamic. We the consumer can now choose what information we will consume and when, where, and how. With the advent of the iPod, advances in the cellphone, WiFi access for laptops on every corner, and other technologies, the consumer has significantly turned the 'push' into a 'pull.' Blogs fit into the pull category – emails are essentially in the push group. Unlike many blogs, ours will not be open access to everyone and anyone. The same material, such as this essay, will be there for reading, but only we will be able to easily post to the site. We hope that those of you that are more plugged into the blog universe will be able to enjoy our commentaries.
More about water
One of our European correspondents would like us to note that tap water, at least in northern countries and Scandinavia is generally safe in the big cities. Many folks may prefer the bottled liquid, but that is not a commentary on the potability. Thanks to BN for the info.
On another note, the senior Terribles returned to their casa up north this week. They seemed be none the worse for wear and enjoyed themselves we hope in the warm sunshine. Sorry it is so cold for you at home.
Hope all of you are well and keeping warm as well.
Dan and Rebecca