The festival has been over for a while. We are having a turnover in renters. Things are more or less back to normal. Normal includes group dinners on specials nights and good-bye dinners to friends heading north. (By and large that means Canada.) And of course normal also means shopping trips to PV by the ladies.
One night walking back from Centro, i.e. downtown Bucerias, going over the Kissing Bridge, Rebecca noted the scent in the air. She composed a poem and story about the experience. You will enjoy it:
Mexican Nights
The stars hang low against the midnight sky.
The geckos hanging upside down throw kisses. I,
Enthralled by music from a lone guitar
Drift on a road of mellow song afar
Across the world, from Mexico to you.
By Rebecca Sellers Terrible
Mexican nights; ah Mexican nights are sensual. The warm breezes caress. You walk down a quiet street in our little town, enticed by a stream of melody from a Spanish guitar. You find yourself smiling and realize it is because you are floating in the scent of night blooming jasmine. The stars hang so low that if you stand on tip toe you probably can pluck them. But why do that; stars are for wishing. In the distance you hear the heartbeat of the world as the sea advances and retreats in measured tread of the great dance.
And dancing, oh Mexican nights are full of dances. You sway with the stately progress of the angelitas who follow the Virgin's float to the church during the fiesta. You hop and bounce with the rhythm of the Indian dances on the plaza on Sunday nights. And, even if your feet can't do it, you heart whirls flirting with the wide skirts in the folk dances, your head held high, your Spanish eyes flashing a challenge to the vaquero who dares to share your dance. When the dance is finished, you skip lightly home and lie down to dream Mexican dreams.
Here are some pictures of recent events and a few are evocative of Mrs.T's poem and story:
We have something very special this issue: A guest contribution. Recently we had a visitor in the pool and our neighbor Don wrote about the event. Here is his description. (Thanks Don!):
Hola everyone
We had a little excitement around the pool today. I had just been out of the pool for about 5 minutes when Jude (Judy is Don's wife –dt) decided to go in. Just as she was going into the water I noticed this shape on the bottom of the pool. At first glance it certainly looked like a young crocodile, it sure swam like one. But very quickly I realized it was a small iguana. Of course Jude screamed and high tailed it out of the water. Rebecca come running out of her condo to see what the hell was going on and started to laugh. "Go in there and grab him," Rebecca says to me. "Who do you think I am Crocodile Dundee" I say as I am backing away from the pool. So she climbs in the pool, chases him around for a while, and finally grabs him as the rest of us cheer her on. I knew I should have brought my fishing rod. So Rebecca hands him to me and I take him over on the grass and let him go and he takes off for the high wall that surrounds our complex. Next thing I know here he is climbing up the brick wall. He gets about 6 feet up and tries to climb over some cables and he slips and down he crashes to the ground we think. So Rebecca runs over and there he is swimming around in this huge flower planter that is full of water. I guess he landed right in it. "Grab him", she says. "What do think I am -crazy" I said. He looks pretty pissed off now, and I am backing up again. "Oh you Canadians," she says and leans down and grabs him for the second time. So Rebecca lets him go and explains that every once in a while "Chion" the local cat chases the iguanas and they will run into the pool to get away. Another first for us in Bucerias. Now the question is Will Jude go back in the water? I wish I had the music for JAWS. Adios
Here are a few pictures:
Hope all of you are staying warm and dry.
Dan and Rebecca