Saturday, March 28, 2015

Turn Around Time



We are beginning to wrap things up down here at the Winter Residence in Mexico.  The puzzles are put away and the long-term Canadians have returned north.  We will be here for Easter this year as it has floated up to an earlier in the calendar.  So it is almost time to get up north and do our taxes, insurance paperwork, and tend to our startup procedures there.  And we have a busy summer ahead.


But there are still things going on with us about town.  R is still squeezing in some SCUBA.  She has seen quite a few turtles recently.  And she still has another riding lesson; you will see some pictures of her on Simon with her instructor Marcella standing there.  They are both sad because R's favorite horse, Charlie, died on the way back from Guadalajara after successfully completing in some jumping competition.  Rebecca shared her new 'cowboy' shirt with her instructor.


Rebecca had the opportunity for a special ride.  We had a couple of days of significant rain; yes, it does rain here in the winter occasionally.  One morning this gentleman named Gustavo showed up with his horse at the front of the condo.  He had been asked by one of the renters to come and give her a ride up the arroyo.  But he came about two hours late because of the rain and the renter had left to do other things.  Well Mrs.T, always wanting to ride, seized the opportunity and had a nice two-hour ride to the other side of Bucerias.


Mrs. T has written about her favorite insect from time to time.  Winter here has been warmer and wetter than normal – which has contributed to Mrs.T's situation below.  Here is another of her commentaries.  (I need to note that I heard the fogging truck pass by while I was editing this.  –dt)




Mosquitos have always been quite fond of me, an affection I do not return. 

In the past when our family went on a picnic Dan and the children would send me out to check out the proposed site hoping these pests would fill up on my delicious blood and leave them alone.  (It just happened that way naturally.  –dt) The mosquitos in Mexico seem to share the same preference.  Although I repeatedly remind him not to, Dan often seems to leave the screen door wide open (I am not the only one.  –dt) and in they rush.  Why should he care; they don't bite him.  (I have a sufficiently high blood garlic level.  –dt)


The Mexican mosquitos invariably head for my feet.  Perhaps it is because I often wear long shifts and nighties and my feet are the easiest target area for decent insects.  Or maybe it is because the evil little beasts live in the grass and low lying plants and my toes are only a short hop away.  When I am in bed and get too hot I tend to stick my feet out from under the covers to cool off.  Guess where they immediately bite me?


To protect myself I am always spraying insect repellent on my feet and lower legs. 

"Do you really think you should get in bed with that stuff on your feet?" Dan asks.  Well yes, I definitely do.  (Ah, the scent of eau-de-DEET.   –dt)


One day not long ago I achieved a minor victory.  A mosquito was dive bombing me when I clapped my hands together and SPLAT!!  I got the little blood sucker.  The tiny corpse fell to the floor leaking blood - mine I am sure.  I pulled Dan in to share my moment of triumph but he was unimpressed, insisting I wipe up my grizzly trophy.


Well from that moment on the battle assumed a new dynamic.  I was no longer the unwilling victim, I was on the offensive.  I found that our two bathrooms were small enough that the enemy could not escape.  So whenever I enter one for whatever reason - to brush my teeth, take a shower, whatever - I immediately close the door and scout around.  Fortunately the walls in both rooms are light colored and the enemy shows up nicely.  I have found that using an 8 by 10 inch notebook I am able to squash the little devils about half the time.  I find this an acceptable kill rate.  At least the ones I don't kill must be getting nervous.


Last night I entered the bathroom and noticed a new and wonderful development.  Where in the past the little monsters buzzed around me waiting for me to stop so they could find the optimal target area, last night I entered the bathroom and saw a mosquito immediately fly out.  I've got them on the run!



Here are a few pictures:

The end of March brings a host of sporting events:  March Madness – the US college basketball championship; women's world hockey championship – USA vs. Canada; Malaysian F1 Grandprix – the second race of the new season; and of course the men's world curling championship.  The sports channels are getting a real workout.


See many of you soon.  We hope it will be warmer than the temps we are seeing in Zanesville of late.  (Happy Birthday Lisa!)


Dan and Rebecca