Monday, February 26, 2007




While we have been working on another commentary for your pleasure, we have been delayed by the fun of eating.  Last Tuesday evening we celebrated Luis's birthday with most in the compound attending together with some local friends of the man of honor.  Yours truly and Mrs. T made a banana/ strawberry cake.  (The pictures on the website are from last year when Luis turned 60.)   Friday most of the condo folks gathered again for a potluck buffet of hors d'oeuvres / appetizers that was essentially dinner.  Then on Saturday the Plaza downtown was the site for Rhythm and Ribs, a fundraiser of La Asociacion Manos de Amor por Bahia for construction of La Casa Hogar de Bucerias.  Finally, tomorrow, Tuesday, at noon the International Festival will be having a ceviche contest.   All in all it has been a 'heavy' week full of goodies of all sorts.


Dan and Rebecca


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