Why in the world …Oh!!!
We were talking to our builder, Nick, yesterday and he said something interesting. He said the first time any of the subcontractors work on our house their first reaction is "Why in the world would anyone build a house down here?" (The road to our house is narrow, steep, gravel, and muddy, with puddles when it rains.) But when they get to where the house is their reaction changes to "Oh, it is really very _____ down here!" Fill in the blank with pretty, nice, beautiful, peaceful, lovely etc.
I have had the second part of the conversation with virtually all the guys who have been working on the house as I have been checking progress in the last few weeks. In fact, one variation I had with Boomer who drives the bull dozer.
"You know it is really very nice down here," Boomer said.
"I know, I am just going to sit in the hot tub and look at my waterfall," I replied enthusiastically, "what could be better than that?" They had just delivered the hot tub which will go on our enclosed patio and I certainly do love hot tubs.
"Well," replied Boomer thoughtfully, "I can think of one thing." (!!)
I did not pursue the conversation further.
Dan went down with me and is really getting into the spirit of the thing. We spent a lot of time discussing what furniture we would take and what we could discard. We considered which pictures and pieces of our glass collection would fit in, and what we should do with everything else. (We are losing about 500 sq. ft. ~ 47 sq. m. and lots of walls. dt) Unfortunately, Dan felt he could fit a lot of the items I thought we could discard into his office. He plans to put 1 large desk, 2 typing tables, one TV on a stand, 2 or 3 bookcases, one recliner, one cabinet with glass doors, and of course a desk chair and a computer in a small bedroom. (It has a nice closet. dt) I was put in mind of Dr. Who's expanding telephone booth. (The TARDIS – dt) Time will tell how it will all work out.
Yesterday we went to pick out the different flooring. The girl who "helped" us would not tell us or did not know the prices on anything, so we went around picking out what we liked. Unfortunately, we have very good taste!! I (or we) will have to go back again now and try to figure out what we can actually afford. Sigh!! There are an incredible amount of different tiles, carpets, and wood flooring options. Nick, the builder, promised either he would go with us or would find a better sales person for us.
The wiring is about done and the plumbing lines are laid. The outside doors are in and the garage floor is poured. As soon as they put up the dry wall in the next couple of weeks it will really look like a house on the inside. Boomer will come back next week to work on the cistern and the leach bed. He will also spread the topsoil (many tons) so I can start planting things! YIPPEE!!
We have added just a few pictures; the inclement weather kept us inside.
dan and rebecca
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