I woke up this morning and noticed an ambrosial scent wafting through the bedroom. Dan had already been up several hours and had made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. As I ate a couple I emitted little moans of pleasure. What could be better than this! This is a greater feat than it is at home because, first, we have no mixer and, second, the oven has no numbers to tell how hot it is But my wonderful husband has figured it out. I don't think I have baked anything here because it is too much for me.
I started thinking about all of Dan's good points. He can spell and edits most of what I write. This is not always an advantage from my point of view because he always beats me at Scrabble. My spelling tends to get a bit creative. (Mrs. T needed to ask how to spell Scrabble. dt) Of course Dan gets the better letters at Scrabble and that is not fair! Also Dan tends to remember things. This is very convenient because that way I go where I am supposed to when I am supposed to. Another good thing about Dan is he is very good at finding his way around. I have a tendency to be a little vague sometimes. Usually I know in a general way where places are and without Dan I wander around until I bump into them.
There is a major difference between the way Dan and I walk. I have notice that there are two different types of walkers, there are the Walkers with a capital W and there are the amblers. Dan is definitely a
This is especially apparent when we walk on the beach. There is so much to look at on the beach. There are shells, I need to look at. A coconut husk I should examine. Some times I see living creatures such as small fish that got stranded and I need to stop and throw them back in the water. If I am in a trash collecting mood I stop to pick up some pieces to deposit in the next trashcan I see. I want to look at the sand castles that the children have made. It can take me half an hour to walk a block. This drives my husband crazy. Of course when he walks determinedly passed all these fascinating things it drives me crazy. I have two uncles like this, one is a
There is one other good thing about Dan. He loves me. And I love him.
Rebecca and Dan
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