Wednesday, July 25, 2012

More on the storm


One of our long-time friends inquired if Mrs.T would be using some of her new poetry skills to write about our big storm.  The muse composed the following lines:


The great white oak
Oldest of trees in the forest
Stretched up his limbs in supplication
Send us rain
Send us rain
Send us rain
He evoked the ancient covenant.
Wind answered,
Black clouds roiled high and higher,
Lightening flashed across the
Darkening sky,
Rain fell in torrents.

The drought is over.
The forest lives.

But the great lord of the forest
Lies torn and broken, felled by the storm he called.
Young trees weep.
Rebecca Sellers Terrible

That summarizes it rather well.  And here is another ditty about trees, this time in song by our good friend Tom, aka, The Ukelele Man: 

Soon Mrs.T will be off on another adventure.  Some of you know where she is headed but for others we will wait until she returns and writes about it.

Hope all of you are staying cool.
Dan and Rebecca

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