Thursday, May 1, 2014



Some of you may recall that a few years back Mrs.T was the featured artist at one of our local art cooperatives, The Zanesville Appalachian Art Project.  Not surprising the show was TREES and featured some of her paintings and glasswork evoking one of her favorite topics.  The show was very well received and an overall success.

Well, now I have been 'recruited' to be the artist for the month of June.  My show, Nod to Noir, will mostly feature black and white photographs.  There will also be some ink prints, a medium I have just begun to explore.  The show is described in a bit more detail below.  It will open 6 June about 7pm and run for the month in the Z.A.A.P. gallery on Main Street in Zanesville.

Now I do not expect many of you will have the opportunity or ability to attend the show, especially not the opening.  Of course you are invited and welcome.  But I realize Zanesville is out of the way for most of you.  To make it easy for you to view the show from afar, follow this link:

and you can look at photographs in the show at your leisure.  I hope you enjoy them.

Thank you,


I am a fan of film noir; I could discuss that art form at length.  But we will skip that discussion.  Suffice it to say that most of the classic films in that genre were in black and white; light and shadow were part of the narrative.  Intrinsically shadows can be indistinct, not well-defined, subtle and fuzzy.  And shadows can be difficult to capture with a camera – I did not say 'get on film' because in today's world most of us are using digital cameras, often one with a phone attached to it.

There are essentially three ways we can capture black and white images:  The subject matter is already essentially black and white; with even an inexpensive camera one can change the setting to b&w, classic, or something similar; or one can do some computer manipulation.  There have not been any computer - today's darkroom - adjustments to the images in this show.  All photographs were made using only adjustments on the camera at the time the pictures were taken.

I call this show a Nod to Noir because the images are mostly black and white although some have a touch of color.  You will see an emphasis upon shadows, some geometric and some rather natural.  Some images emphasize texture.  None of the photos was actually staged; mostly I just happened to be at the right spot at an opportune time.

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